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Unlucky 13 Meme template



I secretly love OC memes. A lot. But secretly. Don't tell anyone. The thing is, though, most of them go reeeeal easy on you. "Who is your darling wonderful OC? Wow, so nice to meet them, kawaiiiiii!" Look, okay, most of my characters' egos are out of control already, don't encourage them.

Also, it's good to whale the tar out of your OC's! Because you gotta be cruel to be kind. Or maybe because evil is fun.

I made this a little on the wide side, because I'm a sloppy drawerer and need lots of space. Do not let it tempt you into painting epic masterpieces for each answer. It's only a meme, mkay? Be cool. :heart:

Link me your doings of my wicked meme, that I may love them! Oh yeah, and which of my magnificent bastards should I run through it first? I can't decide!

Edit: did Star! [link]
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